

1974 – 1981 Ιατρική Σχολή Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης


1982 – 1985 Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, Case Western Reserve Affiliated Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio,
James Carter, M.D., Chairman.

1985 – 1986 Clinical Instructor, Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital Case Western University,Cleveland, Ohio, James Carter, M.D., Chairman.
Research Fellow, Cellular Electrophysiology, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, Nikolas Sperelakis, Ph.D., Chairman.

1986 – 1988 Fellow, Department of Cardiology, University of Virginia Affiliated Hospitals, Simon Chakko, M.D., Director, Salem, Virginia George Beller, M.D., Director and Head Charlottesville, Virginia.

1988 – 1989 Fellow, Jeffrey L. Anderson, M.D., Director of Cardiology
LDS Hospital Jay Mason, M.D., Director and Head of Cardiology
University of Utah Medical Center Salt Lake City, Utah.


1974-1981: Λήψη υποτροφιών από το ΙΚΥ .
1989: First Award of Poster presented in the Utah Chapter of the American College of Physicians. Salt Lake City, Utah September 1989.
1993: Henry Christian Memorial Award for Best Abstract presented in the American Federation for Clinical Research Meetings. Washington, D.C. May 1993.